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Pornography Recovery Program
This is a totally different approach. We aren't even playing the same game as therapy from the past. We will not focus on filters and band-aid techniques to lengthen sobriety. We focus on the deep work of recovery. Instead of working on getting rid of the behavior we will eliminate the need for the behavior.
Learn More about How to Start Your RecoveryUnlock Emotional and Organizational Transformation
Begin your path to your most authentic life. This is where you will tap into vulnerability and growth.
If you're ready for a change, then choose a course below that will take you there.

Pain vs. Misery 5 Day Self-Paced Masterclass
Misery loves company. It traps you. Break free from the trap and find the purpose in your pain.

Kind vs. Nice 5 Day Self-Paced Masterclass
Are you a people-pleaser? We've all been there. Find out how you can genuinely connect with others while being kind to yourself.

Guilt vs. Shame 5 Day Self-Paced Masterclass
Shame erodes self-worth. Guilt is a path to transformation. Learn how to differentiate the two.

Love vs. Lust 5 Day Self-Paced Masterclass
Learn how to build the best relationship. Genuine love is built on authenticity.Â

Power vs. Control 5 Day Self-Paced Masterclass
Discover how to tap into your true power and let go of things outside of your power.

Unmasking the Counterfeit Emotion: Kind vs. Nice PDF Guide
Learn more about Counterfeit Emotions
Emotional Triggers are Messengers
Learn about 15 different emotional triggers and how to heal from each one with this infographic:
Every Emotional Trigger is an Opportunity to Heal
Find Out Your
"Nice Type"
Ready to uncover the differences between being 'nice' and being truly 'kind'? Take our quick and insightful 'Nice vs. Kind Assessment.
Join The Community
Pursue your journey to authenticity with others!
Join the Counterfeit Emotions Facebook Group and see for yourself the effort and progress that comes from learning about counterfeit vs. authentic emotions. 🔆
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Emotional freedom is a marathon, not a sprint. We’ll guide you to the finish line with weekly bite-sized advice.
I'm Curtis Morley
I was an entrepreneur most of my life and wrote the Wall Street Journal Best selling book, The Entrepreneur's Paradox. I was in the middle of writing my second start-up focused book when one of my closest friends - Jerry Williamson took his life. This changed everything for me.
I'm not OK with him, or anyone, taking their own life and he would still be here if he only knew the difference between Guilt vs. Shame and Pain vs. Misery. He was a truly good man who didn't have the tools to combat the trials life throw at each of us. For this reason, I've dedicated the rest of my life to helping people break free from Counterfeit Emotions and live in Authenticity. Through this we can all find the one emotion that has no Counterfeit, and that is - Peace. I invite you to join me on this journey.
READ MY STORYFollow AuthenticCurtis on all platforms
Daily videos, quotes, and stories on how to connect with your authentic self.

"The world needs this! I used to think emotions were either bad or good. Now I know that every emotion serves a purpose. Understanding the difference between authentic and counterfeit emotions is helping me grow in ways I never imagined. This is life-changing"!"
-Â Patty E.

"So many things about emotions that the general population needs to know that will change the course of how we view ourselves and how we view the world. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and knowledge!"
-Â Sally S.

"Understanding Counterfeit Emotions changed my life forever."