In a world of constant comparison, it's easy to fall into the mindset of trying to fit in with everyone. The truth is you belong here.
Fitting in vs. Belonging Overview: Gain a clear understanding of the distinction between fitting in and belonging.
The Four Criteria: Discover the four criteria that often drive fitting in and its impact on relationships.
The Model of Going From Fitting In to Belonging: Learn the step-by-step model for transitioning to genuine belonging.
Five Places We Find True Belonging: Learn the five places where we can discover a true sense of belonging.
Connect to Belong: Learn how connection to others opens the door for belonging. Disconnection is the pathway to a feeling of having to fit in.
Imposter Syndrome: Explore the common pitfall of feeling like an imposter and how to overcome that.
Exploring Fitting In: Identify the signs of Fitting In, and what harmful patterns it creates in our lives.
The Effects of Belonging vs. Fitting In: Differentiate between the two and learn how authentic and genuine true belonging is.
Reflection: Reflect on your journey and the insights gained through the course.
Celebrate: Acknowledge your growth and celebrate your commitment to cultivating a true sense of Belonging.